Thumbnail of new £1 coin from Royal Mint

Royal Mint starts £1 coin production

The new 12 sided £1 coin has officially gone into production a year before it is due to be issued into circulation, with the UK’s Royal Mint producing the coins at a rate of 4,000 coins per minute and the aim of producing 1.4 billion of the new coins. The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne,…

New 1 pound coin design

Royal Mint reveals new pound coin design

The Royal Mint has today revealed the design of the new one pound coin, which has the same shape as the old 12-sided threepence piece (3d) last used in 1971. The reverse (“tails”) side of the coin has been designed by 15 year old David Pearce from Walsall, who took part in a competition launched…