We specialise in the entire life cycle of cash

Secura Monde is the world leader in the provision of independent technical & commercial expertise to the currency industry

Secura Monde International


From the knowledge gained through years of experience, Secura Monde’s banknote and cash consultants provide informed, expert and objective advice which is independent of any manufacturer or technology.

Our clients include:

  • Central Banks
  • Banknote printers
  • Mints
  • Cash management companies (CITs)
  • Cash equipment manufacturers
  • Security product developers


cash and currency analysis

currency structure, security feature analysis, banknote testing, currency design & procurement

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cash management

cash processing, re-circulation polices, fitness standards, market research & analysis

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Image of the BnEI logo.

Secura Monde International is a registered supporter of the Banknote Ethics Initiative, established to provide ethical business practice with a focus on the prevention of corruption and on compliance with anti-trust law within the banknote industry.