Euro currency

Counterfeit euro banknotes remain low during 2016

There has been a drop in the number of counterfeit euro banknotes detected during 2016 compared to the previous two years, according to the latest figures from the European Central Bank (ECB). In total, 684 thousand counterfeit banknotes were withdrawn from circulation during 2016, a 23.9% reduction from those withdrawn in 2015 and an 18.4%…

Euro currency

ECB releases euro counterfeit banknote info

The European Central Bank (ECB) has issued its latest information regarding counterfeit euro banknotes identified during the first half of 2015. The reported figures show a decrease in the number of counterfeit banknotes withdrawn from circulation during the first half of 2015 compared to the last half of 2014. In total, 454,000 banknotes were withdrawn…

EU flag

Euro €20 to be unveiled in February 2015

The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced that the €20, the next banknote from the Europa series of banknotes, will be unveiled on 24 February 2015. The new €20 is the third banknote to be released from the second series of Euro banknote, following the €5 and €10 issued in May 2013 and September 2014 respectively.…

Euro 10 banknote_europa series

New euro €10 banknote issued today

The European Central Bank has today released the new €10 banknote into circulation. The new cotton-paper banknote includes various new security features making it more resistant to counterfeiting but, says the ECB, is still easy for users to check its authenticity using the feel, look and tilt method. As with all banknotes within the new Europa series,…

EU flag

Increase in Euro Counterfeit Banknotes

The European Central Bank (ECB) issued a press release this week confirming the total number of counterfeit euro banknotes which were withdrawn from circulation. During the second half of 2013 the total number of banknotes withdrawn saw an increase of 11.4% compared to the volume removed during the first half of 2013. Though this number…


New Europa €10 banknote announced

The European Central Bank (ECB) has today issued a press release announcing the new €10 banknote. The new banknote, part of the recently released Europa series, will begin to circulate on the 23rd September 2014, allowing retailers and other cash handlers time to prepare for its release into circulation. The new banknote design will gradually…


ECB to introduce new €10 banknote

The European Central Bank (ECB) announced that a new Europa series €10 banknote will be unveiled on January 13, 2014 and issued later in the year. The Partnership Program, held by the ECB and the national Central Banks (NCB) in the Euro area on November 26, 2013, aimed to help banknote equipment manufacturers and suppliers,…