Mauritius 50

Mauritius begins “Clean Bank Note Program”

On the 3rd November 2014, the Central Bank of Mauritius announced that it is to embark on a “Clean Bank Note Programme” due to finding an increasing number of banknotes which have been defaced. “The Bank has noted, with concern, an increasing number of instances where banknotes are being defaced, either by writing, printing, drawing…

Denmark to stop coin and banknote production

The Central Bank of Denmark, Danmarks Nationalbank, issued a press release on the 21st October advising of their decision to stop coin and banknote production from 2016, citing a drop in demand. Though the Bank recognises that the volume of cash in circulation within Denmark is high, it has seen a trend of falling demand…

Norway confirms motifs for new banknote series

Norges Bank, the Central Bank of Norway, has issued a press release confirming the motifs which are to be used for their new banknote designs. 8 participants selected from a competition held earlier this year produced designs, of which 2 banknote proposals were chosen: Ripple Effects by Enzo Finger, and Norwegian Living Space by The…

De La Rue shares plunge after profit warning

UK based banknote printer De La Rue has seen its shares drop 30% after it issued a profits warning, with this year’s profits expected to be £20m lower than the previous financial period. The company, which produces the UK’s biometric passports and prints banknotes for countries worldwide, warned that industry trading conditions had “deteriorated” causing prices…

Euro 10 banknote_europa series

New euro €10 banknote issued today

The European Central Bank has today released the new €10 banknote into circulation. The new cotton-paper banknote includes various new security features making it more resistant to counterfeiting but, says the ECB, is still easy for users to check its authenticity using the feel, look and tilt method. As with all banknotes within the new Europa series,…

Myanmar to issue new 5,000 kyat banknote

According to various local websites, the Central Bank of Myanmar is due to issue a new 5,000 kyat banknote. The new design will incorporate modern security features to prevent counterfeits being accepted in circulation. It is thought that the new banknote will be put into circulation on the 1st October 2014, and the existing 5,000…

Bank of Israel to issue new NIS 50 banknote

A press release issued yesterday by the Bank of Israel details the new NIS 50 banknote, due to be released into circulation on Tuesday the 16th September 2014. The NIS 50 banknote is the first denomination to be released from the new banknote series. Previous NIS 50 banknotes issued in 1999 will continue alongside the…